Ways To Boost Your Herbalife Earnings

By Eduardo Kooliantra

Herbalife network marketing reps: Stop pestering friends and family about your opportunity.. Learn how 7-figure earners build huge businesses using tactics rarely taught at live events and on Herbalife webinars.

If you seek to become a top earner, the way to do it is to implement a promotional plan that puts your message in front of thousands of people - not merely a handful of friends, family members and people you know.

The single most important skill you could ever learn is marketing.

Below are 3 strategies 7-figure earners taught me I have successfully used to take my business to an entirely new level:

- Marketing Is More Critical Than Duplication

Traditionally, network marketers in companies like Herbalife are taught to keep their business-building activities extremely simple and duplicatable by others Marketing Is More Critical Than Duplication Traditionally, network marketers in opportunities such as Herbalife are taught to keep their business-building activities extremely simple and duplicatable by others in their downline..

How effective is this strategy to keep everything simple so other can duplicate it? For a very small percentage of marketers, this strategy is effective. But for the masses of network marketers in opportunities like Herbalife, keeping all the activities in their business simple will NOT necessarily promote duplication.

Check out these facts:

- Only about 1 in 5 people in your Herbalife downline will sponsor anyone else.

- Of those that do sponsor people, most will only sponsor 2-3 people total.

- The remaining 80% of your Herbalife downline won't ever do a darn thing.

In other words, the keep-it-simple approach so popular in network marketing has an 80% failure rate!

The strategy to keep-it-simple sounds great but in practice does NOT invoke high levels of duplication and creates problems very few people ever recognize. The most common way to keep it simple is to use warm market recruiting, which is to approach family and friends and present the Herbalife business opportunity to them.For decades network marketers have been teaching this strategy not because it's the best but because its the most simple...but simple does not mean effective!

Warm market recruiting can lead people to quit Herbalife. After a person runs out of friends and family to talk to about their Herbalife business, they often get frustrated and quit the business because they literally have NO IDEA how to do the one thing that can bring in new reps like clockwork, day in and day out: marketing and advertising. The second problem this friends and family approach creates is it repels high caliber prospects. Ideal prospects for a Herbalife busines, people with transferable skills and large personal and professional networks such as real estate professionals, professional salespeople, and other business people tend NOT to want to approach family and friends about their opportunity. Many professionals want to protect their reputation and do NOT want to introduce their friends and colleagues to an opportunity that they just got started with such as Herbalife.

So should you begin by approaching friends and family about your Herbalife business? Without a doubt. But you must learn to market in order to build a real business because you WILL run out of leads. Keep in mind your highest quality prospects are going to want to implement a professionally sales and marketing approach as well. Learn how to market your business on the Internet, and you can attract extremely high caliber Herbalife prospects who want to learn the same. If just a handful of people also learn to market Herbalife online, you could experience massive growth in your Herbalife business, without relying heavily on the friends and family approach.""

- Leverage A Free Offer

There's an easy two-step way to create leads for your Herbalife business:

1. Attract network marketers to your website. To get traffic, you can use free strategies, such as article marketing and blogging, or paid advertising.

2. On your website, offer a valuable free training in exchange for the visitor's contact information Focus the instructional guide on network marketer's most urgent issues:

- Too little income

- Poor retention

- Your downline isn't duplicating enough

- Too few leads

Your free download could be a free 10-20 page report in PDF report. You can outsource creating the free offer, or make it yourself.

Create a free offer that is much higher quality than the prospect anticipates. Make this first impression with your prospects count, as it will influence your closing ratios of your Herbalife business.

Because you've created a strong first impression, you're likely to sponsor a larger percentage of prospects into your Herbalife opportunity. Build the relationship by continuing to provide free instructional tips via email. Monetize by promoting your Herbalife opportunity or other products and services at the close of each email.

- Network With Entrepreneurial People

Growing a Herbalife business is very different than being an employee. Others depend on an employee like a child dependent on a parent. You are becoming a self-sufficient business owner.

Pretty soon your friends and relatives won't understand what you're doing. Here's the sort of nonsense you'll hear:

- Why don't you focus on a job like everyone else?

- If that business is so great, how come you're not making any money?

- You'll never make any money doing that!

This thinking keeps people broke. Do not allow your mentality to be influenced by these ignorant comments. Do not discuss your business with these types of people. You'll find new friends and potential new business partners.

Put yourself into places where you'll meet other network marketers. Go to Super Saturdays for Herbalife. Go and meet a few of the highest earners in Herbalifeor other opportunities. They are often energetic, support people.

Find and connect with network marketers on Facebook. Never lead with your Herbalife venture. Just be a real person and inquire about them, like you're at a party. How much you earn is going to resemble the income of the five people you spend the most time with. Be very mindful whom you spend your time with.

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