Which Should You Choose - Steam or Dry Chem Carpet Cleaning?

By Anthony Brown

Homeowners knows that having carpets will increase a home's value. But these can be damaged through the years due to excessive dirt and grime buildup. New carpets are prone to being dirty if without regular cleaning. So in order to have your carpets look fresh throughout the year, it is necessary to have them cleaned by professionals. But before you do, you need to know the difference between dry and steam cleaning.

Exactly what is Dry Chem?

Dry chem carpet cleaning make use of chemical compounds so that you can remove the dirt from your carpet fibers. Drying time is very minimal with this type of cleaning as moisture is reduced to the minimal. The problem, however, is that the dry chem is a chemical compound, which means it will introduce itself within the fibers of your carpet and may actually leave your carpet feeling dry and rough.

What is Steam Cleaning?

For carpet cleaning, steam is the best approach. With this method, the carpet will be saturated with hot water before extracting it using truck mounted machines. After that they will bread down the dirt and get rid of them with a hot water extraction method. From there the carpeting will have to dry prior to it being used, which takes 24-48 hours.

Drying Times

Steam cleaning takes more time to dry than dry chem cleaning. This is because more water is used and since there isn't any chemical agents that naturally evaporate, the carpet fibers must air dry. Steam cleaners, nevertheless, leave less water overall in the carpet fibers, which means there is no possibility of mildew or mold growth like there is with dry chem techniques.


However, deep cleaning that penetrates the layers of the carpet is what you hired a company for. With steam cleaning you can rest assured that the embedded grime and dirt will come up from the fibers due to the hot water extraction technique that breaks them down deep within the fibers. Dry chem doesn't get deep within the carpet fibers - rather it attacks the surface area. That means that some carpets that are dry chem carpet cleaned can involve more frequent cleanings than with steam cleaned carpets.

And so, depending on your requirements, it is up to you on which method to undertake for your home. Many experts will agree that with a lot more homeowners seeking to be eco-friendly, steam cleaning is the less dangerous and more effective cleaning method.

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