Proven Steps To Composing PPC Ad Copy That Converts

By Jerald Morgandi

If you're looking out to earn long term profits with pay per click marketing and expect fewer losses, then it's important that you focus on writing an ad copy that converts. While selecting the right keywords for your campaign is crucial, without having a good copy they would be almost useless. Your ad need to grab your target audience's attention in addition to attracting it. Here are some tips for writing effective PPC ad copy.

Get in Your Customer's Shoes: If you want to persuade your target audience to click on your ad and take some action, then it's really important that you think like them and put yourself in their shoes. When writing ad copy, you need to keep the preferences of your target audience in mind. When you're clear about who you're targeting, the next thing you need to consider is how you would target them with your ad. If you're selling golf clubs, for example, then your ideal customers are golfers looking for new clubs. While creating your ad, keep the specific needs and wants of your prospect in mind.

Some people think they can win with placing, free, in their ad titles, but that can often backfire. If your whole intent is to get eyes on your site, then a free membership or something like that would justify using that word. Freebie seekers are famous for not buying, so you have to evaluate the risk/reward situation. When you are totally concentrating on what you need to do, then your ad copy will reflect that and you will have better results.

Follow the AIDA Formula: The formula attention, interest, desire, and action is applicable to PPC ad copy, as well. You may not have much space to work with but you can still apply the AIDA formula. Grab the attention of your target audience and generate interest and desire with your copy, along with a strong call to action to wrap it up. While it may take some time to perfect if you're new to copywriting, it's not difficult to get right if you focus. If you utilize this proven formula, it will help you craft good ad copy.

Everything you do in PPC advertising is to generate some type of response from the surfer. You can have a positive impact on your conversion rates with a strong call to action. This call to action can be as simple as "learn more" but as long as it gives a fair idea to your prospect as to what needs to be done, it'll work. If you've never done copywriting before, it may take some time before you get good at writing PPC copy; but nevertheless your efforts will be worth it in the end. You will find this whole process no problem to do if you are already a copywriter. In a way, writing a PPC copy helps you work on your creativity and actually have fun creating your ads. We suggest you learn much more about this because it will only make you a better ad writer.

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